Wednesday, September 18, 2013


GUYS GALS DOGS CATS PENGUINS KATNISS EVERDEEN WHOEVER IS READING THIS, thank you for reading this. Your support and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Yes. You are loved. *cue the applause*
Dogs that can read blogs. How cool would that be? Oh yeah, pretty cool. I know that the family channel already features a show called Dog With a Blog, and even though it's fictional, let's pretend that tumblr-obsessed dogs do exist. Well, just for now, anyways. XD
Kay, so for all the readers out there, I felt like doing a post to emphasize on how user-friendly this blogging site is, and why it should be crowned as the best blogging platform in the internet.
Mmmhmm. Move aside, Wordpress, and make room for the new gal in town. *snaps electronic gif fingers in a z formation*

Yup. Dats mah homie Conan right there. 

So, anyways, I find blogger to be a very simple site with a very quirky style. So for example, the admin can change the templates with a click, and if you have a couple of spare minutes, you can be on your way to customizing your background blog template, and such. Eg. Turning the blue sky from your nature template to brown. I dunno, let's make it greyish so it sorta resembles smog. Scare the readers away. Juuuust kidding. XD

Also, it is a very popular blogging platform, and therefore, if you have any problem whatsoever, just google your problem and thousands of search results will pop up. ;D you are not aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

So, basically, I just really enjoy the user-friendliness of Blogger and how amazingly easy it is to run a blog and also how simple it is for others to read and navigate through it. Easy and impressive. BAM. 

Computers and websites are our future. Yesh. Oh and did I mention the Blogger is connected to your Gmail account? Heehee. ahahaha. 

KK, see ya!

Oh and here's a little quiz before you leave. It doesn't only apply to your own cat, and it can apply to any cat. 

check out for more cute cat stuff! :D

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